Access levels and permissions

In Infino Legal, there are two levels of access:

  1. Administrator: This user has access to all data within the system and the authority to grant access to other employees.
  2. Employee: This user has access to proceedings to which individual access has been granted.

Changing user permissions

In Infino Legal, it’s possible to change user permissions. A user with administrator privileges can do this as follows:

  1. Access the main menu and go to “Office” -> “Users and access”.
  2. Click the three-dot icon next to the respective person and select “Edit permissions“.
  3. Then, change the access level.
  4. Click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.

Granting permissions for proceedings

To grant permissions for proceedings to specific users, follow these steps:

  1. Access the proceeding.
  2. In the proceeding tab, next to the proceeding type name, click the three-dot icon and select “Access”.
  3. Then, click the three-dot icon and choose the option “Apply permission template”.
  4. Select the appropriate template and click “Save”.

Permission Templates

Permission templates allow the creation of user groups to which administrators assign specific permissions for viewing/editing proceedings or granting access to other users.

Adding a Permission Template

To create a permission template, the account administrator should:

  1. Access the main menu and go to “Proceedings” -> “Permission Templates”.
  2. Click “New permission template”.
  3. Fill in the template name, e.g., “Access to administrative proceedings”, and click “Next”.
  4. The next step is to select and add users to the template who will be granted the appropriate permissions. Note that by default, these users will be able to view and edit this data, but it’s up to the administrator to decide whether they can grant permissions to other law firm employees.

Adding a permission template to a proceeding

A permission template simplifies adding permissions to a group of people in just a few clicks. To grant a group of users access to a proceeding after defining the permission template, follow these steps:

  1. Access the proceeding.
  2. In the proceeding tab, next to the proceeding type name, click the three-dot icon and select “Access”.
  3. Then, click the three-dot icon and choose the option “Apply permission template”.
  4. Select the appropriate template and click “Save”.



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