How to set up notification?

Notification Settings  

To change notification settings in Infino: 

  1. From the menu, go to the “My Account” tab and select “Account Settings”. 
  2. Then click the “Show notification settings” button. 
  3. Choose which notifications you want to receive immediately by email and which ones should be sent in a daily summary. 

Regardless of the email configuration, all notifications are immediately visible on your Infino profile. 

Disabling Notifications 

If you don’t want to receive certain notifications immediately, simply deselect them as follows: 

  1. From the menu, go to the “My Account” tab and select “Account Settings”. 
  2. Then click the “Show notification settings” button. 
  3. In the “Notifications” column, uncheck the notifications that you don’t want to receive immediately or in the daily summary. 

Notification Groups 

If you want notifications to be sent to a specific group of people, you can set up notification groups. To do this: 

  1. Go from the main menu to the “Settings” section and click on the “Office” tab -> “Notification groups”. 
  2. Click “Add new group”. 
  3. Enter the name of the notification group and add group members. 
  4. Click “Save”. 

Edit a notification group 

To edit a notification group: 

  1. Go from the main menu to the “Settings” section and click on the “Office” tab -> “Notification groups”. 
  2. Click the edit icon next to the notification group you want to edit. 
  3. Make the desired changes and save them. 

After adding a notification group, you can use it when adding correspondence to inform the group of people about the receipt of a letter or document. 



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