How to change sender details on envelopes and shipment confirmations?

In Infino Legal you can generate envelopes and proof of delivery in two ways: 

Registered correspondence in the system 

If outgoing correspondence is entered into Infino Legal, postal templates can be generated by selecting the “Templates” -> “Postal Templates” tab from the left-hand menu. 

Next, choose the postal template and select for which correspondence you want to generate the envelope and click “Generate”. 

Each correspondence item may have a different sender (selected when entering the correspondence). Therefore, each envelope will have the appropriate sender’s details. 

Edit the sender of correspondence 

If you want to edit the sender’s or recipient’s details, you can do so by clicking on a specific item in the correspondence. Then, next to the “Outgoing Correspondence” field, click the three-dot icon and select “Edit”. 

On the next screen, you have the option to change the sender of this correspondence. 

Change sender’s details 

If the correspondence has been entered under a case, the default sender is the Advisor’s Office assigned to that bankruptcy. 

The contact details of the advisor’s office can be changed on the advisor’s profile. Only a person with administrator privileges or an employee who owns the profile can make such changes. To make changes: 

  • From the left-hand menu, select “Advisor’s Office” -> “Employees”, and then go to the Advisor’s profile by clicking on “Details” and “Profile details”. 
  • On the profile page, click the “Edit profile” button. 
  • Here, you can change the contact information, office name, or default office. 
  • After making the changes, click “Save”. 

 Envelopes and proof of delivery for any recipient 

To generate postal documents for correspondence that is not in Infono Legal select the “Templates” -> “Repository” tab from the main menu. Then, find the appropriate postal template using the search function or navigate to postal documents using filters. 

After clicking on a specific postal template, choose the recipient and click “Generate template”, and finally, download the document. 

These documents do not have to be related to a specific case, so the system does not address them using the Advisor’s data as the sender. Instead, Infino Legal uses the general Office data. 

To view the general Office data, select “Advisor’s Office” -> “Employees” from the left-hand menu. At the end of the list, you will find the “Office” entry – you can also edit it from this location. This is where the system retrieves data for generating postal documents when they are created through “Templates” -> “Repository” -> “Postal templates”. 



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